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  • The Bolton News

Congressman Thompson Announced $500,000 Awarded to Jackson State University

United States Representative Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) announced The National Science Foundation has awarded $500,000 to Jackson State University. This project, entitled "Excellence in Research: Spontaneous Nucleation Strategy for High-Quality Perovskite Films" is under the direction of Dai Qilin.

This Excellence in Research (EiR) project addresses the use of volatile solvents to prepare high-efficiency perovskite solar cells by a non-antisolvent method. The proposed research method exhibits significant potential in the fabrication of high-quality perovskite films because the film growth is caused by solvent volatilization via a spontaneously and simultaneously supersaturated nucleation strategy.

For more information call Dai Qilin at (601)979-2008.


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