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The Bolton News

Don't forget to VOTE on Tuesday November 23

Hinds County voters go to the polls Tuesday November 23rd to elect a new Sheriff to serve the time remaining in the term of Sheriff Lee Vance, who passed away in August. This is a special run-off election between the two candidates who received the most votes on November 2nd: Marshand Crisler and Tyree Jones.

Crisler and Jones participated in a Hinds County Sheriff's Debate hosted by WJTV. A video of the debate, part 2, is below.

Polling places will be open from 7 am to 7 pm. Be sure to bring your photo ID.*

Find your polling place using the Polling Place Locator tool on the Mississippi Secretary of State website: Ballot information is also provided.

Acceptable forms of photo ID include: driver's license; ID card issued by a branch, department, or entity of the state; U.S. passport; government employee ID; firearms license; student photo ID from an accredited Mississippi university, college or community college; military ID, tribal photo ID, Mississippi Voter Identification Card, according to the secretary of state's office. An expired photo ID is ok as long as it is no more than 10 years old, has a photo of the voter and was issued by the state of Mississippi or federal government. If a registered voter doesn't have one of the acceptable forms of photo ID, a free Mississippi Voter Card can be provided at any circuit clerk's office in the state. Applications may be submitted during normal business hours.

A Sample Ballot for the "Bolton" precinct of Hinds County, is below. It was obtained from

To reach the office of Hinds County Circuit Clerk, Zack Wallace, call 601-968-6628.

Sample ballot for Bolton precinct Special Runoff Election 11-23-21




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