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Reginald Thompson seeks Hinds County Sheriff's office

The Bolton News

Reginald "Reggie" Thompson, who is well known in Bolton where he serves as Assistant Chief of Police and throughout the Jackson Metro area, is asking Hinds County voters for their support and their vote in the November 2nd special election when voters will elect a new Sheriff for Hinds County.

Thompson's qualifications include 41 years of law enforcement experience, with 24 years in the Hinds County Sheriff's Department. Thompson, "When I served with former Sheriff Malcolm McMillan, I learned what works, what doesn't work, and have great plans for improvements. If I am elected, I will hit the ground running, to make big improvements at the Hinds County Sheriff's department."

"People who live out in the County, even the most remote rural areas, deserve to feel safe and be able to live a good life. Their property and their lives are just as important as anyone else. As sheriff, I will be there, working hard for the common people of Hinds County."

Vote Nov 2nd Reginald Thompson Hinds County Sheriff

Thompson, "Key areas I will focus on and address, include:

  • Problems at the Hinds Detention Center in Raymond;

  • Increasing the visibility of deputy patrols;

  • Developing patrol management to reduce response time;

  • Increasing the number of deputies in rural areas of the county;

  • Increased collaboration with other law enforcement agencies, targeting high crime areas."

"Crime in the capitol city is a major concern, of course. And we, in the Sheriff's department will support the Jackson Police 100%."

"I am a life long resident of Hinds County, a member of Little Bethel CMC Church, am married to Stephanie Thompson and have four children." He is also a veteran who served three deployments.

"I am happy to come talk with your church, your neighborhood association -- anyone who's interested in learning more about me and why I want to be your Sheriff, to help you make an informed decision about who to vote for on November 2nd. I believe the people of Hinds County deserve better. I ask for your vote and thank you for your consideration."

Contact information: Reginald "Reggie" Thompson, 601.573.5912

This is a paid political announcement, paid for by the Reginald Thompson for Sheriff campaign.



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