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  • The Bolton News

U.S rep Bennie Thompson supports Rogers for Ag Commissioner

Terry Rogers, II who's the youngest candidate in state history to ever file to run for office "which is commissioner of agriculture" met with congressman Thompson who is the sole democratic federal elected official in the state for breakfast at the congressman's childhood home. Rogers gave Thompson his speech and vision for the state of agriculture in Mississippi and his plans for the job. The congressman gave him some pointers and some things he thinks would be helpful but overall was "very impressed". This comes days after many say Rogers gave one of if not the best speech in MML history. Thompson also said we need more young people in the party. Thompson's support for the young candidate at 19 speaks volume as he is looking to make national history as the youngest person to win a primary in august and a general in November.

All eyes are on the state of Mississippi as well as its youngest candidate in state history who leaves many people not only of African Americans with hope but all people.

The endorsement of Thompson gives him a sizable advantage for the August 8th primary and leaves many people hopeful and ambitious for the young, African American, well spoken rising political star..


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